Efficiently run many WordPress sites from a single WordPress installation. 💪

Lightning Fast ⚡

No need to wait to deploy to separate environments. Simply one click to clone your existing site or add a new WordPress site. Only database tables are cloned or created.

Lightweight Management

WordPress is unlocked with domain mapping and unique wp-content folders. Run many, completely unique, WordPress sites from a single WordPress installation.

Painless Maintenance Sandbox

With only WordPress administrator access, easily clone your live site to a safe sandbox piggybacked onto your live site. Switch into the sandbox and begin troubleshooting maintenance related issues. When done, exit back to the live site.

Watch an overview of WP Freighter. Endless possibilities ☄️.

Introducing WP Freighter
Introducing WP Freighter

A look at WP Freighter behind the scenes.
📺 Quickly Resolve Plugin Conflicts with WP Freighter
📝 WP Freighter Uses a WordPress Multitenancy Architecture
📝 Building a WordPress Plugin

Download your copy of WP Freighter today. 🚀